Hawai‘i Triennial 2022 is a citywide exhibition organized by Hawai‘i Contemporary in partnership with Honolulu Museum of Art, as well as Bishop Museum, City and County of Honolulu at Foster Botanical Garden, Hawaii Theatre Center, Hawai‘i State Art Museum, The Friends of Iolani Palace, and Royal Hawaiian Center. HT22 would not be possible without the generosity and visionary support of our sponsors and donors.
Founders’ Circle • Presenting Partners
Visionaries’ circle | Exclusive Airline Partner
Triennial Circle
Premier Hospitality Partner
Curators’ Circle
Directors’ Circle
Benefactors’ Circle
100 Tonson Foundation
Aqua-Aston Hospitality LLC
JL Capital
Neiman Marcus
Pineapple Tweed
Prince Waikiki
Shaka Tea
Ward Village
Patrons’ Circle
The Cades Foundation
East–West Center
Hawaiian Host Group
mediaTHE Foundation
Japan Foundation
Pu'uhonua Society
HT22 is made possible in part by a grant from the The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, with support from Cooke Foundation Ltd, support of Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa, funding provided by Hawai‘i Tourism Authority through the Community Enrichment Program, an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, and an award from the NME Fund of the Hawai‘i Community Foundation.
We are grateful to the many partners and sponsors whose support is vital to the realization of this exhibition. Together, we affirm our unwavering belief that connecting voices from Hawaiʻi, the greater Pacific, and beyond through contemporary art is of paramount importance, both locally and globally.
Individual Donors
Jonathan Kindred
Padosi Foundation
Atherton Family Foundation
*Michael and Kristen Chan
Dr Diane Chen Koch-Weser
Elizabeth Rice Grossman
Kamehameha Schools
Gloria Lau and Robert Burkhead
Yusaku Maezawa
Judith Dion Pyle & Wayne Pitluck
Sharon Twigg-Smith
Akiko Yamazaki and Jerry Yang
Trever Asam
Cristiano Cairati
The Conley Family Foundation
Don-Touff Family
Growney Family Fund
Joleen and Mitchell R. Julis
The Mathur Family
Maile Meyer
Yoshiko Mori
Linda and Robert Nichols
Jim and Cherye Pierce
Masako Shinn
Swayne Family Fund
Take a Step Back Collection
Michael and Pegi Touff
WLS Spencer Foundation
The Breitenecker Family
John and Sue Dean
Edith Don
Rae McCorkle Sultan
and Kissaway Foundation
Donna Tanoue and Kirk Caldwell
Brett Zaccardi
And those who wish to remain anonymous
Chris and Kelly Huang
Joyce Okano
Mark Polivka & Karen Tiller Polivka
Rubin Center for the Visual Arts (UTEP)
Heather Shimizu
Kelly Sueda
Lloyd Sueda
The Watumull Stores/Jhamandas Watumull Fund
Allison Wong
Phyllis Wong
*Support provided for 2022 Golden Hibiscus Award
Additional support is provided in support of art and artists and in honor of Benji Bennington, Kiira Jepson, Leland Miyano, and Haunani-Kay Trask.
Nancy Aleck, Donald and Jennifer Apy, Robert Becker, Eileen T. Carr, Andrea Christina Caymo, Steven and Courtney Chow, Amanda Corby and Mark Noguchi, Jennifer Dang, Faina Dermon, Desantis Family Charitable Fund, Karin and Robert DeSantis, Jean Dickenson, Paige Donnelly, Sasha Drosdick and Matthew J. Abrams, Nicole Duarte, Sunny Dupree, Noriko Fujinami, Amerjit Ghag & Larry Heim, Michael & Carolyn Hadfield, Mele Hamasaki, Gallery Hashimoto, Courtney Heim, Gina Hood, Marc Hubert, Hughes-Rice ‘ohana, Diana Jou, ‘Imaikalani Kalahele, Sabra Kauka, Miyuki Kawanishi, Kathy Merrill Kelley, Sanit and Carol Khewhok, Kalehua Kim, Miles M. Kubo, Jill Kuramoto, Sumner La Croix, Louis Keali‘iloma King Lanzilotti, The Lanzilotti Family, Betty Jane Lau, Jenny Maehara and Sean Montgomery, Manipon Family, Marianna Kistler (Beach Museum of Art, Kansas State University), Pamela Martin, Heidi Meeker, Meyer ‘ohana, Mark K Murakami, Andrea Nandoskar, Janetta Napp, Deb and Robert Nehmad, Kakoo Hanalima Noeau, Mitch Noguchi, Hadley Nunes, Bob Oaks and Fred Sheng, Takeo Obaysahi, Harinani Orme, The Osorio family, Mahina Paishon-Duarte, Vittoria C. L. Pinto, Maya Portner, Rosina Potter, Richard Reitknecht, Stephanie Rozman, K Samimi, Suzanne Sato, Joan Shapiro, Thomas Solomon and Kimberly Mascola, Nida Sophasarun, Adam Spiegel, Natsu Tanabe, Noe Tanigawa, Masami Teraoka, Renee Tillotson, Manualohalani Trent, Jack and Susy Wadsworth, Jacqueline Wah, Ammon Watanabe, Heather Williams, Cate Wyatt-Magalian, Yamada Scott Family Foundation, Minoru Yasuda and those who wish to remain anonymous.
MAHALO to our amazing volunteers!
Jason Achiu, Jassem Alotaibi, Zach Angeles, Trever and Susan Asam and family, Enrico Battan, Chuck Boller, Miah Bonilla, Robert Burkhead, Kenny Cabanting, Krystel Camilo, Andrea Caymo, Kanoe Cazimero, Kristen Chan, Willow Chang, Patrick Chee, Kenneth Choi, Fatiha Kheddaoui Curran, Duncan Dempster, DeSoto ‘ohana, Jewell Domingos, Heather Edwards, Karen Ewald, Tate Flowers, Elizabeth Frilles, Maseeh Ganjali, Karim Gharbi, Malia Gonzalez, Robert Graham, Lauren Grbich, Raina Grigg, Carole Hsiao, Hub Coworking Hawai‘i, Dudley Hulbert, Laurel Bowers Husain, Tara Iden-Spagnoli, Dianne Ige, Jonathan Johnson, Mitchell Kirsch, Lisa Konove, Nikola Kravitt, Erin Kreul, Shirley Lam, Gloria Lau, Adam Lawrence, Ara Laylo, Ben Lee, Monica Lee, Suzanne Lee, Brian Linares, Austin Logan, Sheryl Lomongo, Nanea Lum, Johnny Macas, Jaceanna Martin, Pamela Martin, Ryan Masuno, Kristin McAndrews, Dustin Miranda, Nathan Miranda, Stan Miranda, Harvey Mireles, Leland Miyano, Adriana Munoz, Nā Kama Kai, Michiko Nagai, Sancia Shiba Nash, Lester Ng, Mark Oandasan, James Ohara, Jennifer Olayon, Susan Palmore, Shiloh Perkins, Shane Phan, Judi Plummer, Kaylee Rafol, Allison Roscoe, Haley Ross, Britteny Salyards, Michelle Schwengel-Regala, Emma Seymour, Lisa Shiroma, Sandra Simms, Laura Smith, Kate Stubbs, Helen Stubbs, Soo Mei Teh, Naoko Terasaki, Danielle Todd, Tiare Tom, Angelica Valdez, Leah Wilson, Michelle Yamaguchi, Geoffrey Yamane, Koharu Yonebayashi, Justin Yu, and countless friends of Hawai‘i Contemporary.